How Do Ethanol Burners Work?
The days of wood-burning fireplaces are long gone. Sure, people still resort to old school methods to warm their homes, but the modern alternatives are significantly better. Ethanol burners, in particular, have been gaining popularity for quite a while. Are you new to ethanol burners and want to learn about what makes them stand out? Read this article as it discusses ethanol burners, how they work, the correct way to install them, and plenty of other things.
Modern fireplace types are more eco-friendly, efficient, affordable, and require very little maintenance. There are plenty of options available if you are not into smells, smoke, ash cleaning, and wood chopping:
Gel Fireplaces
Ethanol Burners
Electric Fireplaces
Gas Fireplaces
You most likely know about electric and gas fireplaces. They are incredibly popular and used by plenty of people in different countries. Gel fireplaces and ethanol burners are relatively new. While they are also well-liked products, not everybody knows about them. Quite many individuals who do know about gel and ethanol burners are often on the fence about which one they should choose. Let us discuss what makes ethanol burners a significantly better option and why you should consider replacing your current fireplace with an ethanol friendly variant.
Ethanol Burners
An ethanol burner, also known as bio fireplace or bio-ethanol fireplace, is similar to a furnace that generates heat by utilizing a modern technological process. Unlike ordinary burner types, this one provides an authentic flame and does not need a chimney. Also, you can install it almost anywhere in your house.
Ethanol fireplaces run on ethanol fuel. It is a clean-burning eco-friendly option compared to other fueling options. The alcohol-based ethanol fuel creates flame and does not produce smoke. You also do not need to worry about dangerous chemicals and pungent smells when the fireplace is burning. It is a significant reason why more and more people choose this option and replace their old-school burners with an ethanol-based variant.
Bioethanol – What Is It?
Bioethanol is arguably the most efficient fuel in the market, but what does it look like, where people find it, and how does one use it? Bioethanol is a non-drinkable form of alcohol. It comes from sugar fermentation, much like how companies extract regular alcohol. People extract it from corn, wheat, sorghum, sugar cane, and other industrialized crops. In a few cases, factories also obtain it from sawdust, wood pulp, and other forestry byproducts.
Unlike ordinary alcohol, bioethanol is a denatured variant. It contains tons of additives, making it unpleasant and toxic for drinking – but it is an ideal fuel source. It is becoming the most preferred fuel source because it comes from industrial crops and is a biodegradable, renewable, plentiful, and inexpensive. Despite its recent surge in popularity, people have been using bioethanol for decades.
You may have had unsatisfactory experiences with traditional fireplaces. Their tedious maintenance and side effects are enough reasons to consider viable alternatives like ethanol burners. Ethanol fireplaces eliminate these problems by burning efficiently and cleanly. It produces minimal water and carbon dioxide, ensuring you don’t have to worry about vents or chimneys.
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Are Ethanol Burners Safe?
People often have concerns regarding ethanol burners' safety, given that burnable alcohol is their source of fuel. Bioethanol is as safe as it gets. Some would even say that it is more reliable than every traditional fuel source by a margin.
Plenty of things can go away with wood-burning and other traditional fireplaces. The much-dreaded chimney fire is arguably the most significant danger faced by several people. Standard fuel sources burn carbon and release various oils inside your house’s chimney, becoming a substantial problem after some time. A chimney fire could occur if stray embers ignite the oil residue clinging on your chimney.
The consequences, in most cases, are devastating. Wood-burning fireplaces also possess the danger of releasing carcinogens, which are incredibly harmful to the environment. It would be best to steer clear form issues like these as they affect your health in the long run.
On the other hand, bioethanol burners produce minimal carbon dioxide. Surprisingly, the amount of CO2 produced is negligible, and you can immediately expel it by opening your windows. Also, there is no danger of chimney fires. As mentioned earlier, bioethanol is a clean-burning fuel, meaning it will not lead to carbon or oil build-up.
With that said, you should still practice as much caution as possible. Why? Because introducing open flames into your room always has potential dangers. You can minimize fire accident risks by taking care of your pets or children and installing the ethanol burner in safe locations.
How to Install Ethanol Burners
In most cases, installing a freshly bought ethanol burner is as straightforward as unwrapping its box and following each instruction manual step. Some models like the freestanding and tabletop variants require minimal installation. In other cases, however, a hands-on approach may be necessary. Here are some tips you can follow to install the most common ethanol burner types correctly
Freestanding models, as their name implies, are relatively straightforward to install. Companies design them for simplicity. Therefore, you will only need to consider elements like space, and the product’s size to determine where you should place it.
You will need to enter a unit into your room’s wall to install recessed ethanol burners. It would be best to enlist a professional to do this task, as it will need some construction.
Ensure that your home has fireproofed walls if you want to install the ethanol burner yourself
Since these fireplaces use ethanol fuel, you will not need gas lines, chimneys, or any other issue. Ethanol-based burners are as simple as they come. However, it would be best to contact your sales representative if you have any other questions.

Ethanol Burner Maintenance
Unlike wood-burning fireplaces, maintaining and cleaning an ethanol burner is incredibly straightforward. Individuals accustomed to old-school heaters know the amount of maintenance required to keep them running. Cleaning chimneys, removing the soot, shoveling the ash, and cleaning the glass are some things that wood-burning fireplace owners need to do. Thankfully, you don’t have to worry about a tedious maintenance process for ethanol burners.
Cleaning the fireplace and ensuring that it contains an adequate amount of ethanol are the only things you need to maintain your burner. Of course, ethanol is a clean-burning fuel, but there still may be some resedue build-up on its surface after some months. Remember, the resedue build-up occurs because of the flame and not the fuel itself.
Turn off your ethanol burner and let it cool for an hour before you start cleaning it. Detach the bioethanol burner and use mild soap and warm water to clean it. Use a towel to dry your fireplace and then keep it somewhere safe for air drying before you reinstall it and fill the burner’s reservoir. Use the same method if you want you to clean the glass's body and surface.
However, make sure that you clean your burners as fast as you can. Why? Because they can lose their color quickly due to their direct exposure to flames. Besides that, your primary duty is to ensure the reservoir remains filled. Read your product’s instruction manual thoroughly as most of them guide you through a detailed, step-by-step process.
Why Ethanol Burners Are a Better Option
A Flueless Option
Choose an ethanol burner if you want a fireplace that does not require a flue. Not every home has a chimney, and not every family has enough financial resources to make one. Also, the installation becomes quite expensive and complicated. So, people search for alternatives and what better option than an ethanol burner to fulfill our needs.
Since bioethanol is the fuel source used for these burners, there are no ashes, soot, or smoke. The clean flames eliminate the need for ventilation. Also, ethanol burners do not emit any dangerous particle as its emissions mostly consist of heat, water, and some Carbon Dioxide (a negligible amount.)
Good Heat and Authentic Flames
People searching for an alternative to gas or wood-burning fireplaces often seek electric fireplaces initially. You'd be surprised to learn that electric burners lack electronic flames. So, ethanol fireplaces are the ideal replacement.
The flames are aesthetically pleasing because of their slow movement and vibrancy. They are authentic and are surprisingly hotter than you would think. It would be fair to say that an ethanol burner shares the heat-generating abilities of a radiator.
Remember, ethanol fireplaces do not have heat loss because of the absence of a flue. It is a significant reason why there will be equal heat distribution in your room.
Manhattan 50 Ethanol Fire Table
Easy Installation and Usability
As discussed earlier, installing an ethanol fireplace is quite simple, and using it is even more straightforward. The installation will not be necessary if you select a freestanding model. You could face some trouble when installing built-in variants, but they are significantly better than gas or wood-based fireplaces.
You will face no trouble when igniting your burner. All you need to do is fill some bioethanol in the reservoir and use a liter to ignite the flames. Turning off a fireplace is also uncomplicated as you just need to flip the lid. It ensures that you can use the remaining bioethanol next time.
How Long Does an Ethanol Fireplace Burn?
Ordinarily, one liter of ethanol fuel can last four hours on the maximum setting and almost eight hours when you set the burner on its minimum setting. You can preserve the fuel by turning off the fireplace early and use it some other time. Remember to close the lid as not doing so could evaporate the fuel.
It is be best to wait until your burner is completely cold to refuel your unit or a potential hazard could occur.
Final Thoughts
Perhaps you own a house and require some extra heat. Maybe your home is extraordinarily large and lacks an open flame’s style in the study or living room. Fireplaces also go well with outdoor patios to give them a unique touch while keeping the area warm.
Purchasing a modern fireplace can sometimes be a complicated decision. You will find plenty of options, ranging from gas and wood-burning fireplaces to ethanol fireplaces. Most people find ethanol burners to be the perfect solution. Their straightforward maintenance, safety, and simplicity make them an excellent option for any home. Ethanol fireplaces are environmentally friendly, and you can install them almost anywhere in your house.
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November 21, 2022
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